Friday, February 11, 2011

Selecting the Right Refrigerator

The size, features, space all are important factors to be considered and should not be regretted later. People buy refrigerators without much research and then lament over their decision of not waiting for a new model or not buying another brand or not researching enough about their current purchase. Refrigerators ranging from Rs. These refrigerators do not have bifurcating doors for freezing and cooling. These refrigerators have carrying capacity of around 180 liters, which is sufficient for a couple of people who do not hoard more food stuffs. The range from Rs. 10,000-20,000 feature the popular frost free refrigerators. They have storage capacity of around 280 liters. These have separating doors for freezing and cooling. They are available in the normal top mount, which has the freezer option on the top and the bottom mount, which has the freezing option on the bottom. The above Rs. 20,000 range is the twin door or side-by-side combo which has a freezer on one side and cooling in other. Videocon's range of refrigerators offers options to suit all pockets and needs.

The size of the refrigerator is an important factor as a fairly large refrigerator would not suit a small kitchen. The refrigerator should fit into the space in the kitchen and should look not be a hassle. If you store large pizza boxes or cake boxes then it is better to a refrigerator with increased cubic space inside. The number of shelves, bottle storage space and the vegetable storage should also be considered.

For a couple a direct cool refrigerator is a good option if they do not store lot of food. If they are of socializing nature then it would be better to get a frost free refrigerator which stores and makes quick ice and also has enhanced space for cooling. Thus good research and knowledge about your requirements, budget and the brand you choose are important factors while buying a refrigerator. A warranty of two years is available with any brand and it is advisable to extend it to save you from future dilemmas.

Energy saving capacity of the refrigerator should also be taken into account if you don't want your electricity bills shooting up.